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In this tutorial, we learn how to properly eat green mangoes the Vietnamese way. The ingredients you need are: washed cold green mangoes, a peeler, a plate, sugar, a spoon, a bowl, and fish sauce. Fir ...

Cantaloupes are most in season during the summer, so enjoy these sweet and juicy fruits while they're still ripe! If you're afraid of cutting one apart—or just don't know how to—check out this food tu ...

Don't worry if you never carved a fruit before, because I'll guide you through the whole process. Fruit carving can be difficult, but this is one of the easiest fruit carving tutorials there are. Blow ...

One shrinks their nose when the name of Durian fruit is brought up but are you aware of all the health benefits it can provide? The Durian fruit on its own can help control Blood pressure, blood sugar ...

The skin is ageing and losing its charm, facing hair fall issues, weak teeth and paining gums, clogged digestive systems due to junk food, work pressures increasing blood pressure, no time for right e ...

Sometimes when you have a really ripe banana or a green one it might become difficult to open it, or you break the banana when you open it. Bummer, I know! Well, all that headache and risk is over bec ...

Eating fruit and vegetables (vegan food) is very healthy. Part of the healthy procedure for the vegan food is also the obtaining it and eating it as fresh as possible and raw (unprocessed). Making the ...

Torrboar and Tigger Cut a Jack Fruit. Image Credit ning.comNot only eat the meat, but also tell you how to eat the seeds! ...

Roll the OrangeThis will loosen the sking Cut Top of OrangeJust enough to pierce the skin Use Spoon to Take Off SkinStart by moving it towards the bottem Enjoy ...