India Galyean shows you how to make a buttermilk pie. Using 2 1/2 cups of flour, 2/3 cups of oil, 3 tablespoons of milk, and teaspoon and half of salt. Mix together. Then put it in a pie plate and fla ...
Panlasangpinoy gives a tutorial on a nutritious Filipino vegetable recipe Ginisang Ampalaya (Sautéed Bitter Melon). Bitter melon is said to have high iron content and have antidiabetic property also. ...
There is more than one way to open a coconut, and according to the video there's a girly and a manly way. First you can see the advanced method using a machete to quickly open a coconut reserved for t ...
Ah coconuts, such a delicious...seed? Yeah, it's technically not a nut, but who cares. It tastes excellent once you get it open, which is no easy task. Ever wondered how to open a coconut without res ...
This video shows you how to open a jackfruit. You should not use a knife when opening and use coconut oil on your hands afterwards because it is very sticky. You should find a soft spot and open it f ...
Girl With No Name presents a video on how to easily peel, seed, and eat a pomegranate. Pomegranates are a very tasty and healthy fruit, full of beneficial antioxidants. However, peeling them can be a ...
This is a step by step video of how to open and eat a pomegranate. Becca begins by washing the fruit, and cutting the ends off. She then scores the pomegranate, and submerges it in a bowl of water. Th ...
Pomegranate is native to Persia and it is a combination of two Latin words that mean apple and seeds. Wear old clothes and put a paper towel over the cutting board because the juice of the pomegranate ...
Pomegranates are very delicious fruits. They are very nutritious, too. This instructional video teaches you how to eat a pomegranate in the right and proper way. It teaches you how to eat pomegranate ...
Here we learn the easiest way to eat a pomegranate. -First, wash the pomegranate. -Fill a bowl with cold water. -Use a knife to cut off the ends of the pomegranate. -Cut four to six slits around the p ...