How To: Make Fruity, One-Ingredient Ice Cream

Make Fruity, One-Ingredient Ice Cream

The secret to one-ingredient ice cream is froze fruit.

Facts and Ingredients

Using fruit is quite healthy compared to buying this delicious treat from a store. You can use pretty much any fruit, for example, bananas, strawberries, cantaloupe, etc. Feel free to experiment. For this recipe, we will be using bananas. This method is quite healthy because there is virtually no fat, and you can make any flavor and find out what you like best.  If ice cream isn't really your thing, this can double as a simple smoothie recipe by simply adding a fruit juice.

Step 1 Find the Fruit

I prefer using bananas that are a little brown, but not too rotten. If you use strawberries, make sure they are sweet or you will be quite disappointed.

Step 2 Prep the Fruit

Bananas simply need to be peeled, and the other fruit should be cleaned. I usually cut the banana so it doesn't burn out the blender in the next step. After everything is set, sprinkle with sugar, throw it into a bag and pop it into the freezer.

Step 3 Make It

How to Make Fruity, One-Ingredient Ice CreamAfter your fruit has been sitting in the freezer overnight, take it out and let it defrost for ten minutes. After that, toss the fruit into a blender in short 5 second intervals so it looks like the picture. Feel free to enjoy it just the way it is, or add some vanilla, a little milk, or whatever floats your boat. Enjoy!


  • Be careful not to cut yourself when using the blender.
  • If you are wondering about other recipes, try making it with different types of fruit and mix and match them. 

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